

Admin Panel

Getting Started

Filament is a content management framework for rapidly building a beautiful administration interface designed for humans.

Filament requires Laravel 8.x or higher, and PHP 7.4 or higher.


composer require filament/filament
php artisan migrate

Create an administrator account for your admin panel by running

php artisan make:filament-user

and answering the input prompts. Administrators have access to all areas of Filament, and are able to manage other users.

Once you have a user account, you can sign in to the admin panel by visiting /admin in your browser.

To start building your admin panel, create a resource.


If you'd like to expose advanced configuration options for Filament, you may publish its configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=filament-config

If you have published the configuration file for Filament, please ensure that you republish it when you upgrade.


By default, Filament includes its own authentication guard and users table that is completely separate from your app's users table. This enables you to get up and running with Filament at record speed.

Some projects may choose to allow their app users access to Filament. In this case, they may customize the auth guard that Filament uses by configuring auth.guard to the name of your default guard, typically web.

The next step is to prepare your User model for use with Filament. Implement the Filament\Models\Contracts\FilamentUser interface, and apply the Filament\Models\Concerns\IsFilamentUser trait. These provide Filament with an API that it can use to interact with your existing user data:

namespace App\Models;
use Filament\Models\Concerns\IsFilamentUser;
use Filament\Models\Contracts\FilamentUser;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
class User extends Authenticatable implements FilamentUser
use IsFilamentUser;
// ...

By default, all users will be able to sign in to Filament. To change this, you may set the static $filamentUserColumn property on your custom user class to the name of a boolean column in your database:

public static $filamentUserColumn = 'is_filament_user'; // The name of a boolean column in your database.

Alternatively, you may override the canAccessFilament() on your custom user class, returning a boolean:

public function canAccessFilament()
return $this->group === 'Filament Users';

Filament implements authorization features in its default users table. Admin users are able to access all areas of Filament, and manage other users. Users may have roles, which are associated with certain permissions in your admin panel.

To configure columns to granting users admin permissions and roles, you may set the static $filamentAdminColumn and $filamentRolesColumn properties on your class:

public static $filamentAdminColumn = 'is_filament_admin'; // The name of a boolean column in your database.
public static $filamentRolesColumn = 'filament_roles'; // The name of a JSON column in your database.

To disable roles and admin features, just omit these properties from your class.

Alternatively, you may specify custom logic for calculating if a user has admin permissions by overriding the isFilamentAdmin() method:

public function isFilamentAdmin()
return $this->email === '';

Finally, for the correct reset password URL to be sent, you should implement a sendPasswordResetNotification($token) function. You can use the Filament\Models\Concerns\SendsFilamentPasswordResetNotification trait to add this functionality to your User model, fully integrated with Filament:

namespace App\Models;
use Filament\Models\Concerns\IsFilamentUser;
use Filament\Models\Concerns\SendsFilamentPasswordResetNotification;
use Filament\Models\Contracts\FilamentUser;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
class User extends Authenticatable implements FilamentUser
use IsFilamentUser;
use SendsFilamentPasswordResetNotification;
// ...

Disabling the Default Migrations

You may wish to prevent the migration for the default users table from being registered. You may do this by calling:

use Filament\Filament;

from the register() method of your AppServiceProvider.


Filament commands use stubs as templates when creating new files in your project. You may customize these stubs by publishing them to your app:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=filament-stubs

If you have published the stubs for Filament, please ensure that you republish them when you upgrade.

Upgrade Guide

To upgrade Filament to the latest version, you may run:

php artisan filament:upgrade

or the following commands manually:

composer update
php artisan migrate
php artisan livewire:discover
php artisan route:clear
php artisan view:clear
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